Thursday, November 6, 2014

What Do You See?

Never before has an experience touched my life as deeply as my experience as an intern at Crossroad Health Center. I have learned many important lessons during my time here, but the most important lesson has been seeing a person for who they truly are. Only when we allow ourselves to open our hearts to our fellow man can we truly reflect on the amazing qualities of each and every person around us.
Over my time at Crossroad, I have been blessed to have many patient interactions. I have met the middle schooler who took two city buses all alone through dangerous areas just to make an appointment; the single mother with two jobs taking online college classes and raising four children; and the man battling financial debt and numerous health ailments. The common bond connecting all of these situations is strength. By opening my heart, I realized the strength that each of these patients possess.
When a patient walks through our doors, I don’t see just another patient or another task to be completed in the cog of the healthcare machine. I see an amazing person reaching out for help, care, kindness, and compassion. When I work with my fellow staff members, I see amazing people offering help, care, kindness, and compassion. Every day I am surrounded by outstanding people who are strong; maybe stronger than I will ever be.
Every shift as an intern at Crossroad Health Center contains profound lessons about life.  I find myself appreciating others, seeing the good in all, and understanding the importance of compassion.  I have received so many blessings from this wonderful opportunity, and it has deepened my connection with my fellow man.  My experiences and relationships with patients and staff members have opened my heart wider, expanded my soul, and enhanced my life.

-Evan Franz

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