Tuesday, October 3, 2023

#theVIPexperience Post #199: Kalysta Humenik


    "My experience as a Crossroad Health Intern has greatly changed my perspective of healthcare. I have always known that I have wanted to be a doctor, since I was around the age of 3. Going through the process of becoming a doctor, one of the best experiences has been being a VIP. I have been a resident of Cincinnati my entire life, and it wasn't until I became an intern that I realized how much my community needs help. The healthcare system unfortunately has a lot of barriers when it comes to everyone receiving quality and affordable care. Crossroad is a place where all members of the community can access healthcare regardless of ethnicity, language, gender, sexuality, and income. Through Crossroad I have been able to help so many patients get connection with the proper healthcare providers to get help. Not only have I been able to help others through the VIP program, but patients are also helping me understand more about what they go through as a patient in a corrupt system. Being an intern at Crossroad has greatly changed my outlook on healthcare. The health of a patient should not be based on the amount of money they have, the color of their skin, their gender, their religion, and so much more. It was ultimately saddening to realized how many people are negatively affected by barriers they can't control. However, I vow as a doctor that I will always help those in my community get access to the care they need regardless. I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to help the community. To the future VIPs at Crossroad, I hope you enjoyed your time at Crossroad Health Clinic and realize how much of an impact you are making on the community."

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