Thursday, November 9, 2017

#theVIPExperience Post #36: Sarah Merz

I started as a VIP at the beginning of this past summer and I never imagined how much of an impact Crossroad and the patients we served would have on me. 

I have always known I have wanted to work in a health field but when i started studying nursing I soon realized how hard it was and considered switching majors. Becoming a VIP at Crossroad has made me realize the real reason why I want to be a nurse. Every shift I see both nurses and doctors devoting hours to do anything they can to help every patient. The providers at Crossroads go above and beyond to make sure that every patient they see is not only taken care of physically but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well. In school we talk so much about the importance of well rounded care and I had never witnessed this kind of care until I came to Crossroad. 

Even as just a volunteer, I have had the opportunity to take part in these patients care and experience what it is like to really touch a patients life. I will never forget the first time I scheduled a referral appointment for a patient, how grateful they were to me. I didn’t realize how much help scheduling an appointment could be to someone until then. This experience has opened my eyes to the different sides of healthcare and has also shown me how something as small as giving a reminder call about an appointment can help a patient in their everyday life. My experience at Crossroad is one that I am incredibly blessed to have and has taught me things that I will carry with me in my practice as a nurse. 

                                                                                                                -- Sarah Merz

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