Friday, July 1, 2022

#theVIPexperience Post #178: Perry Li

 When I first heard of a volunteer program that made phone calls at a local clinic, I honestly was expecting the experience was going to be very repetitive. However, when I investigated exactly what I was going to do as a VIP, I was drawn into making healthcare easier to navigate and more accessible to patients. I can honestly say my VIP experience was much more meaningful than I expected. From day one. From being unfamiliar with Athena and Redcap during my first shift, now VIP resources and procedures are all clear in my head.

I was surprised to experience firsthand all the various barriers to healthcare there are. From scheduling transportation to finding a healthcare provider that takes a particular insurance, to scheduling an appointment that doesn't conflict with a work schedule, it certainly opened my eyes to how big an issue this is. Patients are relieved when I call them, allowing them the freedom to do other things instead of holding in a call to a provider. It always brings a smile to my face when I figure out a plan and communicate it to the patient.

Something I would let an incoming VIP know is that although it may seem intimidating at first to call patients and find the right questions to ask, it will eventually click. I remember during my first shift ever as a VIP, I awkwardly asked questions to patients, as I had a flowchart pulled up on one side, and my VIP trainer, helping me on the other side. It took me a while to be comfortable, but when it did, I had this very organized map in my mind of what I was going to say that I didn't need a flowchart or as much guidance as another VIP. It felt good.

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