Thursday, June 23, 2022

#theVIPexperience Post #177: Adhish Kashyap

 So far, my experience in the Crossroad Volunteer Internship Program has been outstanding. From day one, I was greeted by the other volunteers on my shift, and my shift lead did a great job of introducing me to the environment and the online systems that we use to track patient data. Although all of the new information was intimidating at first, after watching my shift lead make calls and navigate the online systems throughout the first day, I became more comfortable. There are also several resources and guides that make processes like scheduling referrals and sending letters much easier. Throughout the rest of my first rotation, I became more and more comfortable with making calls and talking to patients and hospitals over the phone. The referral making process and online systems navigation has become second nature. 

Now as I am approximately halfway through my second rotation, I realize how much I’ve learned. Through constant interaction with patients and hospitals, I’ve gotten better at talking to patients and health professionals over the phone. I’ve also gotten comfortable with using online patient information tracking systems like Athena and REDCap. Additionally, through interacting with patients regularly, I’ve learned what types of issues are common in underserved communities and what sort of health disparities may be causing such issues. As an aspiring physician, I believe it is important to be aware of these complications and disparities because of their prevalence, and it is always important to understand the underlying cause of any issue. Another benefit of the program is that volunteers sit in the center of the action. It has been really interesting to see what goes on in a health center like Crossroad. It’s definitely inspiring to see, and it gives me even more motivation to continue on this career path.

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