Tuesday, September 27, 2022

#theVIPexperience Post #182: Minahil Haroon


As a VIP at the Crossroad Health Center, I have been able to better my knowledge in understanding the importance of patient service. We are so accustomed to our own ways of living that at many times we forget what others may be going through. Being a part of the Volunteer Internship Program I have been able to better understand the difficulties that many patients face when encountering with referral appointments. Crossroads Health Center is their primary care facility, and for many of them the only form of health care. With work and other commitments, prioritizing health is the last thing on their mind. Therefore, at the point when many of the patients are referred they are in critical need of the special care. Our role with patient care is very individualized to each referral and type of patient. 

    I specifically remember my first time talking with the husband of a patient who was struggling to talk in English, but fortunately I was able to talk to them in Hindi and help with making their wife’s appointment. In addition, we also worked together on scheduling their transportation to ensure that the patient would be able to make it to her podiatry referral which had been ordered for the second time in the same year. With every referral that I am able to successfully complete I feel more rewarded to be able to help patients to the start off a much needed treatment. 

    My biggest advice for future VIPs would be to try their best to attend solely on the calls that they are making during their shifts. Each patient deserves your whole attention when making their referral, and it is our duty to serve them with the best quality of care. At the end of the day, make sure you are learning and understanding the importance of community health care. 

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