Friday, May 24, 2024

#theVIPexperience Post #207: Raaga Chakilam

 "I started as a VIP for Crossroad my sophomore year of college. Prior to my first rotation, I didn't have that great of an exposure to underserved communities. Talking to patients on the phone each shift greatly opened my eyes. In class, we always talk about the various social determinants of health, but actually interacting with people experiencing these determinants was completely different. Although we as VIP’s aren’t interacting with patients face-to-face, the gratitude coming from the patients is all the same over the phone. It truly is very fulfilling to be able to hear the relief in patient voices when they realize that they have people that care about their health and well being. That these same people are willing to help when it comes to receiving proper health care. 

    But, clarity wasn’t the only thing I gained from my time volunteering at Crossroad Health Center. My professional skills increased as my time spent at Crossroad increased. I found my adaptability and communication skills to have grown exponentially. Since no two referrals are the exact same, it is impossible to be able to completely predict how each phone call is going to go. Which forces you to be able to think fast on your feet and respond to situations in an appropriate manner. This in turn grew my adaptability and communication skills. 

  All in all, I have lots of gratitude for Crossroad Health Center. Without my time here I never would have gotten to interact and been made aware of how underserved communities experience so many social determinants of health. I also would not have the same level of professional skills as I do now without the VIP program at Crossroad Health Center.  This program is truly amazing and I hope everyone gets a chance to take away something crucial from it like I did!"

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