Monday, October 14, 2024

theVIPExperience Post #212: Vishva Patel


"I first found out about Crossroad through a newsletter, and a friend of mine who was already a Volunteer Intern (VIP) spoke highly of the program. Intrigued by her positive experiences, I reached out to her for more information. She shared how the program not only provided valuable experience but also allowed her to make a real difference in the community. Her enthusiasm encouraged me to apply, and I’m so glad I did.

As a VIP, my main role is to schedule referral appointments for patients. Many individuals in underserved communities struggle with challenges such as transportation issues, language barriers, and lack of insurance. By assisting with the scheduling of appointments and providing information about available resources, we help make healthcare more accessible for these patients. While I had some theoretical knowledge of the challenges faced by underserved communities, talking to patients over the phone brought those challenges to life. 

One of the most rewarding aspects of this role is witnessing the positive impact our support has on patients. For many, just knowing that someone is there to help can make a huge difference. My experience at Crossroad has also helped me grow both personally and professionally. Every day presents new challenges, and no two referrals are the same. This unpredictability has taught me to think quickly and adapt to different situations, improving my communication skills along the way.

My time at Crossroad has been an incredible learning journey. I’ve gained insights into the complexities of the healthcare system, and I am confident that this knowledge will shape me into a more effective healthcare provider in the future. I am truly thankful for the opportunity to be a VIP and look forward to continuing this journey".

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