Monday, October 14, 2024

theVIPExperience Post #214: Lane Bokros


"I joined Crossroad in the Spring 2024 rotation. I had eyed the program with some interest for several years, and in my junior year, I finally decided to go for it! I'm so glad to be a part of Crossroad and this program, and I look forward to continuing it over the summer and into next year. I've had various clinical and research experiences during my time in college, but the VIP has been very unique and informative. In this day in age, I think most people are aware of the struggle it is to obtain proper healthcare, but few, including myself before joining Crossroad, see this struggle firsthand.

    Experiencing how difficult it can be to schedule appointments that we may otherwise take for granted is very eye-opening. Many aspects of this process, from start to finish, I have never honestly thought twice about until now. Seeing how those without access to adequate resources have to navigate the healthcare systems can be a reality check. Calling countless specialists and hospitals, searching for those who would take certain insurance can be a battle in itself, which is then compounded when a patient might need assistance with transportation. Furthermore, the patient may also need a translator or representative with them at this appointment. There are so many layers of depth to the convolution of the healthcare system, which can be made even harder to navigate due to intersectional disadvantages.

   I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity that Crossroad has presented to widen my experience and truly appreciate my privilege. Furthermore, the ability to help those who need it most is fulfilling and gratifying and I look forward to my shift every week. I can't wait to take all of this experience and knowledge with me to whatever medical opportunities I pursue next".

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