Thursday, May 13, 2021

#theVIPexperience Post #130: Michelle Nguyen

 I was aware of the Crossroad Volunteer Intern Program (CVIP) throughout my college career but never

applied to it due to the fear of commitment and the lack of confidence in myself. As I look back now, I

honestly wish I applied earlier and join this community of driven, passionate individuals even sooner.

This program has allowed me to be a voice for those who feel their voice are not being heard and

amplify those who are using their voice. It opened my eyes to the plethora of barriers that one would

face just to receive proper healthcare. If I can improve the livelihoods of patients and make quality

healthcare more accessible, I gladly will continue to bear some of those burdens off of them (inside and

outside of the program).

This is my second rotation with Crossroad and numerous opportunities to learn and connect with the

community are always being offered. I am able to grow personally and professionally by honing in on my

communication skills. Whether I am gathering information from the patient to schedule their referral or

showing tips and tricks to a fellow Crossroad Volunteer, communication is key. As cheesy as it sounds, it

is true. When I actively listen to the patients about their lives and preferences, it makes the whole

experience more personable and worthwhile. This program has given me joy and strengthens my passion

to aid others. It allowed me to experience the hoops some patients have to encounter when they try to

better their lifestyles. It has allowed me to empathize with them and question how can I make this aspect

of their life easier.

I am grateful and humbled to be a part of the Crossroad Health Center. Through my experiences, I am

further committed to advocate for patients and to provide the resources they need to improve their

well-being. Even though an action like making a reminder call or asking them how they are doing may

seem small, the connection that the patient could feel can greatly influence their perception towards

health care. So as a CVIP, you have the chance to make a difference in this community with each person

you meet. By supporting one another, we are able to rise together.

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