Monday, October 14, 2024

theVIPExperience Post #219: Hannah Sauer

 "Growing up in Columbus, I have always loved being in urban areas. I also grew up attending faith-based schools that taught me the importance of service from a young age. Due to this upbringing, I find particular fulfillment in serving urban communities. Attending Miami University, a much more rural setting, I felt that I had lost this sense of service in urban communities. However, after getting involved in an urban service-learning program at Miami, I gained this sense of service back! Being in this program, I learned about Crossroad Health Center for the first time, and I started to feel a stronger connection to the Cincinnati communities I began to serve. Now, I can say that serving at Crossroad has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my undergraduate years. 

As a Crossroad VIP, I am directly involved in healthcare access to hundreds of patients. This responsibility alone still amazes me, and I am thankful to be a part of this process that ensures patients get the care they need. Every time one of these patients takes the time to express gratitude for simple appointment reminders and scheduling help feels so rewarding. Through the CVIP program, we get to tackle barriers together with patients, and I hope that even the knowledge that someone is looking out for them might have a positive impact on these patient’s lives.

Through tackling these barriers, I have gained a passion for healthcare delivery to populations made vulnerable by our healthcare system and a motivation to fight for equitable health policy in my future career. With the knowledge I have gained at Crossroad, I hope to continue to learn more about social determinants of health throughout my last year at Miami and in medical school. Along with this, the opportunity to shadow various providers employed at the health center has enhanced my commitment to becoming the physician I want to be one day: one who prioritizes patient-centered care, takes the time to attentively listen to each concern, and has an unwavering commitment to delivering vital healthcare services despite any obstacles. I am inspired by the Crossroad staff every day, and I know I will use the things I have learned as a VIP to make an impact on my future patients one day as well. Overall, Crossroad has positively impacted my career goals, passion for service, and healthcare knowledge, and I am thankful to advocate for patients every day at this amazing health center!"

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