Monday, October 14, 2024

theVIPExperience Post #219: Hannah Sauer

 "Growing up in Columbus, I have always loved being in urban areas. I also grew up attending faith-based schools that taught me the importance of service from a young age. Due to this upbringing, I find particular fulfillment in serving urban communities. Attending Miami University, a much more rural setting, I felt that I had lost this sense of service in urban communities. However, after getting involved in an urban service-learning program at Miami, I gained this sense of service back! Being in this program, I learned about Crossroad Health Center for the first time, and I started to feel a stronger connection to the Cincinnati communities I began to serve. Now, I can say that serving at Crossroad has been one of the most meaningful experiences of my undergraduate years. 

As a Crossroad VIP, I am directly involved in healthcare access to hundreds of patients. This responsibility alone still amazes me, and I am thankful to be a part of this process that ensures patients get the care they need. Every time one of these patients takes the time to express gratitude for simple appointment reminders and scheduling help feels so rewarding. Through the CVIP program, we get to tackle barriers together with patients, and I hope that even the knowledge that someone is looking out for them might have a positive impact on these patient’s lives.

Through tackling these barriers, I have gained a passion for healthcare delivery to populations made vulnerable by our healthcare system and a motivation to fight for equitable health policy in my future career. With the knowledge I have gained at Crossroad, I hope to continue to learn more about social determinants of health throughout my last year at Miami and in medical school. Along with this, the opportunity to shadow various providers employed at the health center has enhanced my commitment to becoming the physician I want to be one day: one who prioritizes patient-centered care, takes the time to attentively listen to each concern, and has an unwavering commitment to delivering vital healthcare services despite any obstacles. I am inspired by the Crossroad staff every day, and I know I will use the things I have learned as a VIP to make an impact on my future patients one day as well. Overall, Crossroad has positively impacted my career goals, passion for service, and healthcare knowledge, and I am thankful to advocate for patients every day at this amazing health center!"

theVIPExperience Post #218: Brennan Meier

 "Being born and raised in the west side of Cincinnati, I grew up being taught to have immense pride in the people and tradition around me. I never quite knew how important that was to me until later in life. 

Growing up, I was privileged and blessed enough to never have to worry about my health or where my next meal came from, later, finding out this was not the case for everyone. Volunteering at a homeless outreach center in high school opened my view of the world and the disparities within it. I quickly learned working with individuals that are underserved, specifically the homeless, was something that would be in my life forever. I learned the one thing you can give people that you cannot physically hand them is human dignity and respect. 


Going to UC with the goal to go into medicine, I knew working with people in communities that are underserved was something that I needed to get back into from high school. Crossroad was always on my horizon, and when I finally was able to take part the summer of my 2nd year at UC, it was everything I expected and more!


Previously having experience working with underserved populations and starting to get involved and work in healthcare, crossroads was the best mesh of my two passions. In my time as a VIP, I have started to really see how difficult and confusing it is for people to get the care that they deserve. The process of receiving healthcare can be convoluted and hard to navigate, making equitable access to care for everyone extremely difficult. I take great joy in trying to mitigate this experience for our patients. Hearing the deep gratitude and sigh of relief when patients finally get their appointments scheduled is something that will never get old. My time as a VIP has confirmed even more to me that the path I am in healthcare is right for me. I take the utmost pride in taking care of people and providing equitable healthcare in the communities I grew up in and around". 

theVIPExperience Post #218: Sean Brennan


"I got involved with Crossroad my junior year of college at Miami University. I heard about this opportunity through the premed center on campus and knew I had to take advantage of it. Coming from out of state, I had no idea what Crossroad was or what their work consisted of;  I had zero expectations. The only thing I knew was that I would be helping out the local community. Now, after almost two rotations, I can confidently say that this experience has exceeded any expectations that I may have had. It truly has allowed me to adopt several valuable perspectives. 

I had never had a job where I called anyone, so this was a new experience for me. I have been interested in medicine since the eighth grade, but this was not what I envisioned as medicine. Having said that, this unique opportunity provided me a different lens to what medicine can be. It is not just what you see on TV or just the physician you see for a yearly checkup – there are so many different people working behind the scenes that make everything run smoothly. This position has shown me what that looks like first-hand. We may never get all the praise, but, as VIPs, we are important and make a difference. 

Coming into Crossroad each week, it is uncommon for nurses, doctors, and medical assistants to not acknowledge you – it is an extremely welcoming and fun working environment. I believe that this is incredible and reflects on our patients as well. Hearing the gratitude in patients’ voices when extending our assistance is unmatched. I know that this impact we have on patients is worth the two hour round trip each week".  

theVIPExperience Post #217: Erin Patton


"Working with communities that have been historically underserved was always my plan. Since I can remember, my reason for going into healthcare was to increase access to quality care for people who look like me. After researching, I came across Crossroad Health Center. I wanted to gain more experience working with people from underserved communities. Through research and patient care I had some experience; however, I knew Crossroad would give me a unique opportunity to connect with patients and learn another part of the healthcare world.  

After reading the mission statement of Crossroad and the goal of the VIP program, I knew immediately I belonged. When I came across Crossroad initially, the VIP application was closed. I remember checking weekly, patiently waiting for the application to open. Once I found out about the VIP program, I encouraged all my friends interested in healthcare to apply. I found out I got accepted into the program and was overjoyed. 

During my time at Crossroad, I have worked mainly on referrals but have also been given the opportunity to shadow providers. Shadowing providers allowed me to see day-to-day life, solidifying my interest in healthcare.  

Although this is only my second rotation, Crossroad truly feels like home to me. I wish I knew about the program sooner. Crossroad has not only given me the opportunity to live in my purpose but also provide skills that will translate into careers and life. Crossroad has provided many opportunities to build community, connect with people from different backgrounds, face the social determinants of health firsthand, and practice compassion and empathy. I am grateful".

theVIPExperience Post #216: Sanskriti Vaghela



"At Crossroad, interns play a pivotal role in the multidisciplinary team. Responsibilities range from assisting patients to helping schedule referral appointments at outside offices while taking into consideration potential limiting barriers. I also spent some time shadowing healthcare professionals, learning how they conduct patient consultations, develop treatment plans, and monitor progress. This hands-on involvement allowed me to witness the complexities and nuances of patient care in a real-world setting. I further understood the impact of health disparities and social determinants of health on underrepresented patient populations. 

    The internship has profoundly impacted me, both personally and as an aspiring physician. Working closely with patients who are often at vulnerable points in their lives has deepened my empathy and compassion. It has brought to light the importance of systematic changes in healthcare and increasing the emphasis on patient-centered care. Observing the dedication and empathy of the Crossroads team has solidified my desire to pursue a career in medicine. Their unwavering commitment to improving patients' lives has inspired me to strive for excellence and to be a source of support and guidance for those in need.

    I have gained a number of vital skills at Crossroad that will be extremely helpful to me in the medical field in the future. Effective communication is essential; developing my ability to engage with patients and coworkers has improved my capacity for attentive listening and considered response. Moreover, the ability to think critically and problem-solve has been reinforced through observing patient care and participating in case discussions. These experiences have prepared me to approach medical challenges with a strategic and empathetic mindset.

    My internship at Crossroad has not only enriched my knowledge and skills but also reinforced my commitment to becoming a compassionate and competent physician. The journey has been an invaluable chapter in my life that I wish to continue, paving the way for my future in healthcare".

theVIPExperience Post #215: Rama Alshami


"After hearing about the opportunity to become a volunteer for the Crossroad Health Center, I was immediately interested and inspired. I knew that this was something that I would definitely enjoy partaking in. Most importantly, being a VIP has allowed me to grow as an individual and as an aspiring healthcare professional. 

I truly loved the aspect of being able to serve the community in unique ways. By being a VIP, I have been able to learn many new interpersonal and professional skills. There have been many scenarios where I have had to learn different patient care approaches. The interactions I've had with patients, fellow volunteers, and staff members have enriched my perspective and expanded my empathy. I have been mentored by amazing individuals who share the same passion for healthcare with me. This experience has been very educational not only for my professional experience, but has also taught me different ways of connecting with patients and colleagues. I have learned that there is so much I do not know about the world of healthcare, but being in this clinic has provided me with a new door to experience a non-traditional side of healthcare. The hands-on experience I've gained has been invaluable, allowing me to develop practical skills and deepen my understanding of healthcare delivery. I have also been able to shadow physicians at Crossroads. This aspect of the program has been amazing as I was able to immerse myself further into the world of patient care. 

As a member of the Crossroad Health Center, I've had the profound honor of serving individuals from all walks of life. Whether it's through providing healthcare services, advocating for wellness initiatives, or fostering a culture of compassion, every interaction re-emphasizes the importance of service and community. Every day presents an opportunity to make a difference, to offer support, and to be a guiding light for those in need. It's a responsibility I carry with great pride and gratitude".

theVIPExperience Post #214: Lane Bokros


"I joined Crossroad in the Spring 2024 rotation. I had eyed the program with some interest for several years, and in my junior year, I finally decided to go for it! I'm so glad to be a part of Crossroad and this program, and I look forward to continuing it over the summer and into next year. I've had various clinical and research experiences during my time in college, but the VIP has been very unique and informative. In this day in age, I think most people are aware of the struggle it is to obtain proper healthcare, but few, including myself before joining Crossroad, see this struggle firsthand.

    Experiencing how difficult it can be to schedule appointments that we may otherwise take for granted is very eye-opening. Many aspects of this process, from start to finish, I have never honestly thought twice about until now. Seeing how those without access to adequate resources have to navigate the healthcare systems can be a reality check. Calling countless specialists and hospitals, searching for those who would take certain insurance can be a battle in itself, which is then compounded when a patient might need assistance with transportation. Furthermore, the patient may also need a translator or representative with them at this appointment. There are so many layers of depth to the convolution of the healthcare system, which can be made even harder to navigate due to intersectional disadvantages.

   I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity that Crossroad has presented to widen my experience and truly appreciate my privilege. Furthermore, the ability to help those who need it most is fulfilling and gratifying and I look forward to my shift every week. I can't wait to take all of this experience and knowledge with me to whatever medical opportunities I pursue next".